Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rubistar and Teachnology Rubric Generator

I checked these websites out and they are cool! The amount of information and technology out there to make our jobs easier is mind boggling. I thought Rubistar was quick and easy to use. It basically allowed you to put in the subject, select the areas for assessment, and it did the rest! Teachnology Rubic Generator not only had a rubric generator, but I had thousands of lesson plans, with tools / Internet connections needed listed right there in the lesson plan. All you had to do was print out the lesson plan and all the links/worksheets listed in the lesson plan and voila...you had a week's worth of work generated for you! I can only imagine the time that these type of tools save teachers. My Dad spent weekends as a H.S. Math Teacher in the 70's-early 90's creating his own lesson plans (handwritten), creating his own worksheets, homework assignments, and tests! It pays to live in the "Tech Era"!


Dr. Luongo said...


Rubsitar has changed my life! Wow-- I sound dramatic, but it has... I used to spend hours thinking of labels and categories for rubrics, but this site helped me.

Honestly, I now use Rubistar for the creation of most of my rubrics.

As usual, I truly enjoyed your blog posting!

Monica said...

Hi Taran!

I completely agree, prior to this class I had no idea what a rubric was and to be honest am slightly terrified of creating lesson plans when I begin teaching. This sight eased my fears (not 100% gone but with practice I’m sure I’ll be fine).

The internet is a fantastic place to learn about the ins and out of being a full-time teacher and all that goes into it.

I’m so excited that we are able to have access to sites like this to really help us be the best teachers we can.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

EricMc said...

These are my first education classes and everyone has talked about the vaunted RUBRIC! i had no idea what a rubric was, but you are right, this showed what they were and how to use them in a very simple way. I actually bookmarked the site to use in the future!