Monday, November 24, 2008

Guided Reading Case Study Critique

I thought that the case study was really helpful. It actually gave access to concrete lesson plans and assessments. I find that I really learn and absorb material better when I actually see "theories" or "teachings" applied in real situations. This case study did that for me. The assessment of the "Billy Goats McGruff" enabled me to really see how a teacher formally assesses students. Also, for "The Giver", the detailed, very detailed, extremely detailed, lesson plan showed me how much organization and detail is needed to truly have an effective lesson. I thought that activities that went along with this unit were intensely thought out and very relevant to the lesson. I'm glad that the teacher stressed several times that the book was for very advanced readers because after reading about it, I thought that the subject was really advanced and possibly disturbing for 6th graders.

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