Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Access Writing Program

I watched the video about "My Access" Writing Program and I thought that it was pretty good advertisement, with no information for me as a teacher to decide whether it was a tool that I wanted to use. Since I received no "real or relevant" information from the short video, I went to the "Demo" tab on the webpage, hoping for more specifics about the program.

I did receive more specifics and I thought that My Access seems like a great tool. I love that students write on the computers, the computers can grade the papers, give a summarized report to the teachers about students' or a student's strengths/weaknesses, and parents can view their childrens' work online. I also thought that the vocabulary building tool would be a tremendous help for students, especially since it uses a lot of the words found on standardized tests.

From a real world application perspective, this tool is very appropriate. Coming from the businessworld, workers and leaders use systematic tools and reports like this all of the time. Giving students exposure to this prepares them for experiences and skills needed for "real world" careers.

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