Tuesday, October 28, 2008

iPod Article

I thought that the iPod article was really interesting. Using iPods to teach is a great idea. Personally, I am all for using technology, any type of technology, to teach. After all, isn't one of the benefits of technology to be used as a life enricher? Usind an iPod to access and complete school work at any time convenient to the student is a huge advantage. Using an iPod can actually help students work faster, smarter, and more conveniently. Why should education be limited to certain hours, like 9-3 school time? Why shouldn't I be able to access lessons, learning, etc. on a 24/7 basis, 7 days a week, if I so choose? We do it with news, shopping, entertainment. Why not do it for education?! I particularly liked the part of the article that showed that students claimed that the iPod exceeded their learning expectations, allowed for more in-depth learning, was convenient, AND forced them to do more work. They didn't seem to mind the fact that the iPod caused more work because they actually enjoyed the work and experience of using the iPod in a whole new way.


Marianne said...

Yes Taran. Flexibility and enjoying what you're doing is what makes the iPod a great tool. Even though it presented more work, the students reaction to the work was positive and motivating. It was almost as though it wasn't work. The iPod is thought of, for most people, as a device for enjoyment, and this carried over into their course work. I think it's a great idea for High Schools and Colleges.

Dr. Luongo said...

You asked, "Why should education be limited to certain hours, like 9-3 school time?"

I think we are all living this motto in this online class. As we have seen, we can work at 5AM or 11PM... We can complete homework at any time and in any location (with access)...So, why not give K-12 students the same choice?Thanks!