Friday, November 21, 2008

Guided Reading Lesson 2 Video

I liked the approach taken in this video. First, I thought that the teacher's "5 Finger Rule" was very helpful to children when deciding if a book was at the appropriate reading level for them. Also, it's an easy trick for students who are young. Second, I liked that the teacher reviewed the pictures and hard words with the students before asking them to read the book on their own. This gives them an idea about the book and keys them into the vocabulary. Lastly, I liked that the teacher took special time with each student and listened to him/her read out loud to determine progress, strengths, weaknesses, etc. Overall, this was a good video and it gives me a clear picture of what to do when I become a teacher.


Marianne said...

I agree with you. This was a great example of how to teach using Guided Reading. I think the 5 finger rule is a good idea. I had never heard of that before. It's unique and easy for the students to determine if the book is at the right level for them. Reviewing the pictures with discussion and bringing forth key vocabulary words while reviewing the machanics of them is also an important and valuable strategy. Reading out loud, independently, is always beneficial to the reader as well as the teacher, to determine fluency, weaknesses and progress. This video showed key strategies for a Guided Reading lesson. I enjoyed it very much.

Dr. Luongo said...

The 5 finger rule is one your students will understand.

Thanks for posting!