Friday, April 24, 2009

Classroom of the Future

I have only one thing to say after viewing the "Classroom of the Future" at
this should not be a classroom of the future, but a classroom of the present! We are already behind if we think that this is the future, it is really the present and the sooner the educational field gets that, the better off our students (and teachers) will be!


Dr. Luongo said...


I always think about this--how most school buildings have stayed relatively the same since I was in grade school --desks, chalkboards, etc... while the outside world has changed so dramatically.

Will it ever be "up to par"? I do not know, but one can dream....

Dr. Luongo said...

One more thing...on a small scale, we have become a classroom of the future through this course.


EricMc said...

Great Job Taran--as usual. i saw that video and was like wow this is gonna be something! but why does it have to be in the future when theyve done the research already. they have all the flat screens and computer hook ups they need, plus they even figured out lighting and soundproofing--so lets get it done!