Friday, February 27, 2009

Make a Difference

Now that I've had a good cry while watching the Make A Difference video at, it reminds all of us what is really important in life---caring about others. This is a mantra that we should all remember since we picked this noble profession and have the power to affect a child's life....forever. Caring about the children in our class should always be our number 1 priority and if that happens, all of the learning that needs to be done will follow and fall into place.


Dr. Luongo said...

My favorite part is when she says that was the she stopped teaching reading, math, etc...and started teaching CHILDREN.

As always, I enjoyed reading your blogs!

Keep up the GREAT work!

Taran said...

Thanks. As I was watching the video, my 5 year old came and wiped my tears from my face and wanted to know why I was crying. I told her about the video and she said, "You will be a teacher like that lady, Mommy". Hopefully, she is correct!

Megan said...

Oh man...what a tear jerker :)
It is so important to believe in people and to give every student a chance to succeed...Like Dr. Luongo pointed out, it's not about teaching the subject matter, it's about teaching period. Furthermore, I think I have learned as much, if not more from my students in the past two years than they may have learned from me...They have taught me more than any college class ever could (no offense)....and I am eternally grateful for that.